Each Choices Market strives to be a member of the community of the neighbourhood it’s found it. We believe that by placing value on our community, our customers will in turn place value on us. Here are just a few of the community driven campaigns we’ve been a part of recently.
- At Italian Day on Commercial Drive, we gave out free samples of premium parmigiano reggiano, freshly cracked from an entire wheel of cheese! We took donations for C.L.I.C.K (Contributing to the Lives of Inner City Kids) and were able to raise $763.35.
- In New Westminster, we took part in Sapperton Days. We had a prize wheel and people could spin to win product samples and Choices Gift Cards. Through this, we were able to raise $525 for the Royal Columbian Hospital.
- Across all our locations, we had weekend bedding plant sales throughout the spring. 5% of all proceeds generated by these plant sales were donated to local secondary schools. Thanks to your support, and your green thumbs, we were able to raise $6,542.95. Divided amongst the schools that comes to $934.70 for each!
We couldn’t do these things without the support of our friends in the community, and we want to thank you for helping us to make our neighbourhoods better places. Cheers!