Campaigns, Community

Fairtrade Month

In May we celebrate Fairtrade Month, meaning that everything Fairtrade is in the spotlight for the whole month. With special events, retail campaigns and more, we focus on the benefits that Fairtrade provides to more than 1.65 million farmers and workers around the world.

FAIRTRADECanadians have been buying Fairtrade certified coffee for almost 20 years, but did you know that the FAIRTRADE Mark can be found on a wide variety of other consumer goods? From daily staples like tea, fruit and chocolate to pleasures like cosmetics and flowers, Fairtrade products can be found in many aisles of your local grocery store or specialty retailer.

Visit our Buying Fairtrade pages to learn more about all of our product categories. And if you’re not entirely certain what Fairtrade is, check out our short video which explains how the system works.

Special Events

How many cups of coffee do you drink during the average weekend? Do you worry about how climate change might affect your favourite bean? Take part in the World Fairtrade Challenge from May 13th to 15th to see how many cups of Fairtrade Coffee can be consumed around the world.

Visit to:

  • Register your own coffee breaks
  • Challenge family, friends and colleagues to see who can drink the most cups of Fairtrade coffee
  • Learn how Fairtrade helps small-scale coffee farmers combat Climate Change

In the middle of the month, on Saturday May 14th, World Fair Trade Day is a chance for everyone in the Fair Trade movement to celebrate and spread the word by telling others what Fair Trade means to them. Check out our events listing to see what’s going on near you.

More than 900 retail stores across the country will be participating in Fairtrade Month, with displays of Fairtrade certified products, special offers and more. If you don’t see Fairtrade items in your local store, use your power as a consumer to ask them to stock products that make a difference in the lives of farmers and workers around the world.

Article originally posted to